Biden wants immigration reform before autumn

Flag1Speaking at the Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies gala, which was held on May 8th, Vice President Joe Biden revealed that he hopes to have immigration reform done and dusted by the end of the summer season.  Biden emphasized how important it was that the nation keeps its dignity as the decisions are reached and notes that before a respectful choice can be made the Senate still have a number of discussions that it will need to make.

“There are a lot of tough decisions that have to be made,” Biden admitted in his speech.  “In some countries that means, as we say in this country, that the elites have to pay their fair share, pay for the police in the streets and the basic services for the poor.  In other places it means taking on corruption head on.  In the United States, that means reforming our immigration system.”

Biden pointed out that there are currently 11 million people living in the shadows in the United States who have no documentation and that they deserve to be allowed to become full participants in life in America.

Biden insisted that the country needs real reform and one that will provide a bit of dignity to the numerous different nationalities of the people who want to be able to get US citizenship.  Biden is soon to head off to Colombia and Brazil to attempt to help Obama’s aim of getting Latin American countries to come on board with building trade with the US and bringing stability to the economy.