Finding Resources and Help as an Immigrant: Where to Look

If you are an immigrant in the US, there are times when you will naturally have questions and will need help. There are many things you will need help with. You may need assistance applying for an immigration petitions, for example, or you may need assistance finding a job, place to live, or a school for your child. Since US immigration is very important to the national economy, there are many resources available to immigrants. There are many places where you may want to look for immigrant resources:

  1. The USCIS. The USCIS is a great source of help, and all the information available about immigration on the USCIS website ( comes right from the agency responsible for immigration, so that you can be sure it is legitimate and accurate information. The USCIS website is one of the best options for help, and one of the best places to start is with the USCIS guide for new immigrants. This guide is available in several languages and covers the basics of what many new immigrants need to know. The USCIS website and social media sites also contain very useful information about immigration applications and US immigration issues.
  2. Local citizenship and immigrant resources. If you look in your local newspaper or phone book, you will likely find a number of local organizations dedicated to helping newcomers. These organizations arrange for English classes, citizenship classes, and special events. Local groups are a great way to develop your English skills, learn about local immigrant resources, and meet other newcomers in your area. Local groups can help you with local issues, such as finding volunteer or job opportunities in your area, and finding housing your area. They can also be an important source of emotional support as you navigate the immigration system.
  3. Other immigrants. Other immigrants and newcomers can be an important source of support, helping you to feel welcome and helping you to get things done in your native language while you master your English skills. However, be aware that while other immigrants are filing some of the same USCIS forms as you are, the USCIS is a more reliable source of information about immigration forms and processes.
  4. An immigration lawyer. If your immigration application is rejected, if you are in danger of being deported, or if you are barred entry into the US or accused of an immigration-related crime or illegal activity, you will need the services of a good US immigration attorney. Look for an attorney who specializes in immigration and who is recommended by other clients.
  5. offers a blog and lots of free immigrant resources, as well as information products that can help you with immigration processes.