Immigration reform could be helped by swing vote

Immigration reform could be helped by swing voteImmigration reform seems to have paused in the House of Representatives, causing many people to worry that it is never going to actually happen, but there are more than 100 possible swing votes within the Republican Party that could result in victory for supporters of immigration reform.

Representative Cory Gardner from Colorado is one of those lawmakers.  Seen as a possible successor to John Boehner in the role of House Speaker, Gardner is classically conservative but nonetheless has been a mediator between House leaders and some of his more right-wing constituents.  His ability to be seen as more moderate could be the reason why he is viewed as a possible swing voter but he risks losing friends and allies on either side of the debate regardless of how he responds.

Tension is high for possible swing votes in Congress as the 2014 elections grow closer.  They have to pick between making immigrant voters happy and making their party happy.  Republicans in the House of Representatives could lose as many as 17 seats in the upcoming elections but still maintain a majority, but more than 17 seats could be lost if Republicans are seen as blocking immigration reform in the House.

It is these numbers that are making supporters of immigration reform hopeful.  It may be worth it for the Republicans to compromise by passing a bill that they do not entirely agree with if it means keeping their majority.