The impact of undocumented immigrants on Election Day 2020

The impact of undocumented immigrants on Election Day 2020The Presidential election of 2020 will be profoundly affected by immigration reform in the United States.  There are millions of undocumented immigrants living and working in the US, and those working towards the pathway to citizenship will have gained the right to vote by then, but it is difficult to be able to predict what their voting tendencies would be.

Although most immigrants on the path to citizenship would not be able to vote until 2028, the children of immigrants that came to the United States before they turned 16 can receive Deferred Action status.  These people, referred to as Dreamers, are on a quicker path towards citizenship and many will be able to vote by 2020.

This young demographic is being focused on by a lot of lawmakers and legislators, as the future of the election will be in their hands.  Most of these young people come from Asian or Latino backgrounds and because their families and communities are so directly affected by immigration reform they are often thought to be the group that will ultimately steer the vote.

The influx of these newly naturalized citizens has not gone unnoticed by either of the two major political parties, and the districts of both parties will also be majorly affected by the decisions and choices that these people make in the voting booth in the future.  Thirty-seven percent of all eligible voters will be Latino and Asian naturalized immigrants and citizens by 2020.