USIBC steps up immigration reform campaign

USIBC steps up immigration reform campaignThe US-India Business Council is stepping up its campaign to deal with the worries of the IT industry in regards to certain provisions within the immigration reform bill, which appears to now be entering a crucial stage.  The Council has only recently created a “Coalition for Jobs & Growth” in order to support the goal of immigration reform touted by the Obama administration.

“While USIBC and the Coalition for Jobs & Growth fully support comprehensive immigration reform in the United States, there are five key provisions in the Senate bill that will significantly harm US companies’ ability to remain globally competitive, which will cost American jobs,” claims Ron Somers, the president of USIBC.  “It is imperative for US and Indian industry to pull together as never before to help educate the US Congress and the US administration about why these provisions are discriminatory and how they will hurt American business.”

Somers goes on to say that any final bill needs to have had those provisions excised from it and that the Coalition for Jobs & Growth will be working tirelessly to make sure that that is indeed what happens in the final outcome.

The chairman of USIBC, Ajay Banga, who also happens to be the chief executive officer of MasterCard, has been working to make lawmakers aware of the provisions of these immigration visas, particularly those that are related to the L-1 and H-B1 US visas, and launching a campaign at Capitol Hill.