President Obama will Focus on Immigration After Solving the Fiscal Cliff

As soon as the White House resolves the issues related to the fiscal cliff, it will turn its attention towards immigration. White House and the Republicans are still trying to solve the fiscal cliff. President Obama has already eliminated 77 federal programs and has decided to eliminate 52 other programs and according to President Obama, the programs that are no longer needed are being eliminated.

Immigration, is the next biggest political issue that President Obama will focus on. President Obama says that the broken immigration system will be fixed, as early as possible. An immigration law that would protect the borders and that would allow the undocumented immigrants to obtain US citizenship, will be passed in 2013.

Democrats along with President Obama and other immigration advocates are pushing for a massive reform that would grant US citizenship to more than 11 million undocumented immigrants in the country. But the Republicans say that US citizenship must not be granted to people who had entered into the country illegally and who had violated the law.

However, Latino leaders believe that the President will not break his promises again and they say that he will not fail to implement immigration laws that would help the undocumented immigrants, in his second term.

Executive director of the League of United Latin American Citizens, Brent Wilkes, said that the President will focus on immigration as soon as he solves the fiscal cliff. Moreover, President Obama has several times said that immigration reform will be his priority. He has also said that he would concentrate on the people who may not harm the country. Congressional leaders are now focusing on immigration and they are likely to propose a legislation in March 2013.