New Green Card Requirement Helps Legal Immigrants

US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has updated a key requirement for gaining a green card, which will come into effect on 1 November. The policy changes, announced last week, will affect the vaccination and medical exam for immigration purposes, ensuring there are no health issues that would make applicants inadmissible to gain permanent residency in the US.

A medical exam is vital for all foreign immigrants wanting to get a green card, with the results submitted to US Citizenship and Immigration Services via Form-I693. The most recent update to the USCIS Policy Manual shows that the form must now be signed no later 60 days before the underlying application is filed for an immigration benefit by a designated USCIS civil surgeon.

The new form will also stay valid for two years, starting from the date the doctor signed it. Under previous policies, there was no need for the doctor to sign the results of the medical exam so close to the filing date. It caused many new problems for many applicants because the form was no longer valid for the adjudication of their immigration benefit, meaning they would need an updated medical report to overcome that hurdle.

The agency says that the aim of the new rule is to enhance the efficiency of their operation and reduce the number of applicant requests for updated Form 1-693s.