US immigration policies put thousands at risk, legislator claims

US immigration policies put thousands at risk, legislator claimsThe refugee and immigration policies being pursued by President Obama give a “paid vacation” to refugees while putting yet more burdens on struggling families and endangering “tens of thousands” of American lives, according to US Republican and Alabama Representative Mo Brooks.

The scathing remarks were made by Brooks last Friday when he appeared on the Athens WVNN radio program The Dave Jackson Show in Alabama. Brooks noted that Islamist militants were responsible for the murder of over 3,000 Americans in Washington and New York on September 11th 2001 and for the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings, adding that tighter immigration policies in the United States would have prevented the terrorists entering the country in the first place.

Brooks also pointed out that Mali and France are two other countries that have recently had to pay a heavy price for their lax immigration policies. “Look at what’s happened in Mali, where Muslim terrorists [killed] people in a hotel in the capital of Mali,” he noted. “And that follows on the heels of what happened in Paris, where over 100 Parisians were killed because the French government did not implement sound immigration policies. Now the same thing is happening inside the United States of America.”

Brooks warned that if Obama continues importing a high amount of immigrants, some of whom “will enjoy killing non-Muslims”, then “thousands of tens of thousands … will ultimately lose their lives”.

Brooks also recently slammed the Obama administration for paying billions to allow refugees to come to the US while ignoring struggling US families.