USA Immigration Services Can Help You Live and Work in the US

USA immigration is the process of entering the US to live and/or work in the US after living as a resident or citizen of another country. From its inception, the US has been a land of US immigration. The persons who founded what is today known as the USA emigrated from England, France, and other countries around the world. Through the 1700s and 1800s, many people left their home countries to immigrate to the US.

Evidence of US immigration is everywhere. In many cities – such as Boston and New York – the famous buildings, homes, streets, and bridges – were built by US immigrants. US immigration is evident in the food we eat – much of which has its origin elsewhere. Many of our street names and community names are even based on names from far away. US immigration has had a profound effect on our culture and has shaped who we have become.

USA immigration is also important for population growth. When the US was a group of colonies, the birth rate was simply too low to allow for natural population growth. Each new US immigrant added to the country and helped the US grow. Even today, when the US birth rate remains low, new immigrants help our country and our population grow.

USA immigration has changed the course of US history. Immigrants helped to create the US out of colonies by creating the Declaration of Independence. As well, some of our greatest achievements and inventions have come from skilled immigrants. Immigrants have created movies, invented medicines that cure us, and have developed inventions that make life more convenient. If you are applying to become a US immigrant, you are part of a rich cultural tradition!

In the beginning, US immigration was not very regulated. Immigrants traveled by boat to the US and most were admitted with a minimum of formalities. The earliest immigrants did not need any special papers or forms. If you could afford your boat fare, you could immigrate to the US. As more and more people wanted to immigrate to the US, however, the country adopted new rules to ensure that newcomers could blend into society and could ensure the safety of citizens already here. Today, the USCIS oversees much of the immigration process. The USCIS ensures that only qualified individuals enter the US and ensures that only people who can contribute to the US enter. The mandate of the USCIS is also to keep the US safer by keeping certain types of immigrants – such as violent criminals or dangerous criminals – out of the country.