Trump to investigate US visa abuses

President-Elect, Donald Trump says that when he takes over the Presidency next month, one of the first executive actions he will take is to order investigations into all abuses of US visas. This indicates that his administration intends to put foreign workers under much tougher scrutiny than has been the case.

Although Trump did not identify any particular form of US visa abuse, he has expressed worries over the misuse of H-1B US visas by companies. Trump also criticized businesses that shipped jobs to foreign countries, such as China and India. While he was running for President, Trump made a point of noting that immigration laws need to be tightened. On Friday, at a rally in Michigan, Trump said that one of the first executive orders he intends to issue will be an investigation by the Department of Labor into the abuse of US visas, which undermines the wages and employment of American workers.

Trump says that during his election campaign, he interacted with many ordinary Americans, some of whom were laid off from their jobs and then had to endure the indignity of being forced to train foreign replacements before they left, a practice that he intends to end. Trump’s comments appear to be a reference to American companies, including Disney World, displacing US workers with immigrants hired on H-1B US visas.

Trump also promised to end illegal immigration, reiterating his often-stated desire to build a wall on the US border.